Friday, November 19, 2010

Things I Love!


My sweet Gussie, because he has finally decided to let me be his mommy again. Once I brought him back to my parents' house at the end of Junior year he has disowned me. In the last month, he has just started sleeping with me again and occasionally laying in my lap. It only took four months for him to forgive me for abandoning him for the last year.

Fall scented candles. This one is pumpkin.

My pretty ring, but I love the person who gave it to me more! :)

Damask. I'm obsessed and have been for the past 2 years.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Bryn and Leighton are Engaged!!

I was so excited when I got to take engagement pictures for Bryn and Leighton. Bryn has been one of my closest friends for a long time. Between getting seperated in 8th grade math for talking to much and rocking out to Ashlee Simpson when we were 16, we've experienced a lot together. So, it was truly an honor to experience this special time with her and Leighton. I look forward to all the wedding fun (we now have both of ours to plan!) that is just waiting to happen.